The Rupee Symbol - A real step ahead

The new symbol for Indian Rupee is really a new step ahead by the government. The new symbol of Rupee will be built up a new financial status for India. The world economy is very much eager to see the growth of India. When many of the well build up nations faces a number of financial problems Indian economy shows the static growth in all sectors. The recent financial crises did not affect Indian economy even big economic giant nations like America, Dubhai, France faced a lot of continuous instabilities in their financial sector. For India it the perfect time to claim the financial identity. The new symbol of Indian Rupee approved by the Union cabinet will be widely accepted one among the other currencies like dollar , euro, pound, yen etc. For the international acceptance of the new symbol there are some formalities. First the international consortium should accept. The technical committee of International consortium must approve the new symbol.
-news Report by -Ashwany Metha - current news - Delhi

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