HIV awareness may be improved

HIV, the one of the most dangerous issue in the modern world should be considered as a serious issue. As it is a wide thread to the all humanity, the awareness about HIV and AIDS can be improved. There are many projects by the initiative of World Health Organization. But the proper monitoring for the funds and initiatives taken by the WHO should be properly regulated. The successful working AIDS control societies are to be appreciated also. If necessary steps can be taken in collecting the current status about the absolute number of victims, mostly affected areas, reasons for it. The HIV and its thread to the coming generation can be easily handled.

The rehabilitation process of HIV affected persons and supply of medicines for them are another very important steps to be taken by the various responsible agencies like WHO, IMA, and the societies.

If proper awareness about the danger behind the Human immunodeficiency virus can be given to all of the people by health campaigns or volunteers, will be the clear cut step by the Authorities. 

Click here for more about HIV - from wikipedia

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