Why every countries increase their weapons

why every nations increase their weapons day by fa ? If I ask this question to all it will be a real foolish question as I always use to ask. Do you think how long the earth will remains with its life, plants animals forests flower. One day all things in the earth may be distroyed. The earth itself may be vanished. Who started the way of fight dirt time ?. Why we fight. One day everybody will die once we born means we are supposed to die also. Everybody will die no every body must die if once we born. As said in a poem of William Shakespear fear no more when we all are died fear no more the heat of the sun.. . . .Why the human beings alone making weapons ? Is it due to fear ? The power of the countries are calculated according to the weapons the produced according to the number of missiles they have number of war ships they have according to the army strength any navy strength they have. Why the countries are giving more importance to their defence
systems spending more millions and trillions to increase their weapons. Is it all due to the fear about the death ?. If due to the fear of death more weapons are being invented what they will do after getting a life period for some more years ? Do they try to calculate the number of hungry deaths takesplace in their country do they open their eyes towards the poor striving fellows who dies in their nations due to hungry ? Do they try to cultivate food for themselves even ? No they will simply go for research to invent new weapons and missiles to kill more and more people. They compete to discover more weapons which kills more life. If one country spend money to discover more powerfull atom bombs the other countries will try to find another more powerfull one or will try to capture the technology. There are many horrible pictures and stories are hiding behind every bomb we created every missiles we have produced. We can relax that these weapons will not
be used in wars as at present there is no war now. But the horrible pictures and tragic explosions hiding behind these weapons high risky. We are not safe we all are with these much risks. If any terrorist groups gets its controls , if any frequsated military man operates it what will we do ? We must die if it exploded due any human or machine error. We all must die with the weapons created or constructed with our own money which we paid as tax. Go ahead all nations try to create more weapons so as possible. . . . Dig the grave for each and every persons who paid their own earnings as tax , the money even not spend to purchase a teddy bear to their dearest daughter. . . .

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