Chain of stories with Indian tennis player Sania Mirza marriage with former Pakistan captain Shoaib Malik. Aysha who claimed as Shoaib Malik s wife now telling that she was carrying when Shoaib Malik married her. At the same time Malik said to media that he was cheated by a girl. When he was in Sharjah tour Aysha called him and beame good friends over phone. Later their relationship changed into love affair and during via time Aysha had sent some photos of a beati girl. After seeing the photos Malik told the matter to his family. Malik said that he tried to meet Aysha several times. He had send his relative to meet Aysha at Hyderabad. Malik revealed that whenever he tried to meet Aysha, She that the girl over phone avoided him to meet. She told that she beame fatty recently and she want to reduce her fat and only meet Malik after becoming slim. Shoaib Malik has agreed that he had participated in the nikkahe with Aysha over phone without knowing to his parents and relatives. Malik said that he did never met Aysha. All happened is he was cheated by a lady by showing some photos of a beautiful girl. All Indians are amazed to hear the story of marriage through phone. Several type of marriages we are hearing about marriage in flight , marriage under water. In the ancient ages there was Gandharva marriage , rakshasa marriage, sisava marriage, swayamvara marriage etc in modern there were patriarchal marriage, matriarchal marriage , matrilocal marriage , patrilocal marriage. While hearing about recent stories of Sania Mirza and Shoaib Malik i thought to blame my sociology teacher who did not teach me about the phone marriage. Or i have to blame the scholar team who have prepared the sociology syllabus with out including the topic of phone marriage ? I should say or request the syllabus review committee to review the syllabus urgently and to include the topic of phone marriage. And research and studies can be done urgently about chat marriage , email marriage, sms marriage to include in the syllabus so the doubts of coming generation can be cleared easily.
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