CBI Dashed hopes on Ruchika Case -| Regional News | India

Rathore- Ruchika caseRegional News, India: In the Ruchika suicide case, the news investigation reports from Central Bureau of Investigation, CBI shows that SPS Rathore was not in Chandigarh when Ruchika Girhotra committed suicide. Ruchika committed suicide on 28th December 1993. The case filed by family of Ruchika Girhotra as she was molested by SPS Rathore who was police chief in Hariana that time. The reports of CBI also says that the allegations about the torturing of Ashu , Ruchika's brother no value as SPS Rathore was at Delhi in official duty during the period said allegation of torturing.

In the complaint made by Girhotra, father of Ruchika said that Ruchika committed suicide due to the molestation by SPS Rathore, and unknown auto theft case was changed on his son Ashu and tortured him in custody as they made allegations against SPS Rathore. The CBI reported that there is a high difference in two reports about Ruchika's Suicide and way to taken to PGI hospital. According to CBI reports, the two reports and documentary evidence are confusing . In one report the name of Ruchika was given as Ruby. The CBI reports are well arguing about the allegations made by Ashu are baseless after following investigations and questioning witness. Two of Ashus relatives said that he was present during his sisters' cremation.

Regional News, New Delhi, India- For News vision

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