Microsoft Windows 7

The new operating system of Microsoft Windows 7 about to release. The Microsoft Corporation is aiming to meet more advanced features with the new Windows Seven. The Microsoft Corporation is agreeing with new announcements about the failure and problems of Windows Vista version of Operating System. The windows seven is promising a new and innovative series of world in computing. The software companies and IT persons are in the opinion that the economic loss caused by the project of Windows Vista will be very well recouped by the Microsoft’s new Operating System Windows Seven. The IT field surveys were in the opinion that the huge fund utilized for the project of Microsoft Windows Vista and its failure were one of the major cause for Economic Recessions UN the United State of America and followed by other countries of the World. According to the reports of surveys conducted in different areas of Information technology, Software companies, internet based advertising, marketing and such other computer related business centers are very harmfully affected by the Economic dark waves from the Middle of the year 2008. The core studies and reports shows that the high peek points of Economic grafts were based on the Information Technology and Computer are and share markets. The business like share markets & stock exchange and its sudden growth and falls are very much related and is proportional to news, political changes, war, international problems, conflicts man made and massive natural disasters and calamities. The Economic recession caused may be interpreted in the way that the causative factors may be included in the unbelievable failure of well built software company and it’s so called prestigious product. The monopoly of Microsoft in the field of software production or manufacturing is that much rooted news in the world. The Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft and his reputed Microsoft Corporation and even his life stages, his works are bighearted by the world. So the reports made or published by who studied about the beginning, causes, depth, and effects of the problems leads to the current Economic Recession are very well clear in the case of Windows Vista.

News reported by News Vision - Online News Paper

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